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Sunday, December 4, 2011


Yesterday we went to Hobby Lobby and Joann Fabrics which are about an 80 mile drive from us.  I love those two stores!  I have a hangover today from over indulgence!  We didn't have a lot of time because it was mid afternoon when we decided to go, so I was looking as fast as my eyes would let me.  My neck is a little sore today. 
I had a list of things to buy from each store.  At Hobby Lobby, among other things we were going to buy a wreath and all the stuff to put on it to make it ourselves.  In my mind this was a dried grapevine wreath or one of those which look like hay formed into a circle.  This simple circle would have a swath of wide white ribbon and some white soft fluffy things on it, just a beautiful cloud to love and adore.  When you see the pictures later this afternoon, you will see nothing of that description except MAYBE the wide white ribbon.
My husband went straight for the big evergreen looking wreaths.  They look so real!  So I decided that's fine, we can have a green wreath.  I like green wreaths.  Then while I looked for just the PERFECT ribbon he went to pick out the trimmings.  Everything he chose was bright red and gold.  They were all beautiful, but.....
Okay, we can have a green wreath with bright red and gold trimmings. 
I bought so many pretty things at Hobby Lobby; wooden appliques, fabric paint, pretty papers, ink stamps, glue sticks, new mini glue gun with a finer tip than previous one, fabric, trinkets, and I don't even remember what else! 
At Joann Fabrics I had one paticular fabric and one particular trim to buy.  I was thrilled to see they had a partial bolt of a fabric I found at another Joann Fabric store a month ago. That store only had a couple of yards or less and I bought it all.  I thought I would not find it again.  So, when I saw it yesterday I bought all they had on the bolt.  Then I found two more fabrics I need for my pillows which will be going on etsy as soon as I get some more made.  Then the trim department.  You know how you should never turn a child loose in a candy store or a drug junkie loose in a pharmacy?  Well, I should not be alone in the trim department of a fabric store.  My pillows will cost $98.00 to make and will sell for $30.00.  It's Christmas.  It's the thought that counts.
You know when you have 100 specific things you are going to do and you do 200 other things instead, then you try to get the first 100 done in the time you have left?  That is what I have done this weekend.  I end up working all night long then sleeping from 6 AM until almost noon.  Certainly have my days and nights switched!  AND not getting enough sleep!  Since I spent a fortune (to me anyway) for supplies yesterday I should be working diligently on items to sell.  So, now I sit on the sun porch with my second cup of coffee after a delicious hot breakfast of biscuits, eggs, bacon and hash browns.  I buttered the biscuits, so yes, I helped.  Husband is watching football, no wreath made, tree and all other Christmas decorations still in the attic, I am still in my pajamas at 2 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon, wait, this sounds like a perfect Sunday afternoon....  Whirlwind of "getting busy" to come later, stayed tuned.


  1. Oh my!! 80miles to a Hobby Lobby! My heart goes out to you lady! Hope your New Year is going well!

    1. Hi, Pamela. I don't know if I responded by email to your comment on my blog post in January. I hope I did. If not, I apologize. I'm sorry. I don't want to be a blogger who doesn't respond to her friends. I stopped blogging in December for a pile of reasons, but I am back now and re-read your nice comment. It reminds me I need a Hobby Lobby fix! Oh! And my year is getting better! I hope you have a wonderful, fun filled happy day.

  2. Oh my goodness. What a fun post to read! I think we live parallel lives. I love Hobby Lobby and Joann too but thank goodness I only have to drive about 15 miles. Can't wait to see the pics of your endeavors! xoxo Lorelei

    1. Hi, Lorelei! I think I responded by email to your comment in January. If I didn't I sincerely apologize. I have been off the blog since December. I noticed you have been off since May. I hope things are going wonderfully for you! You and your Hobby Lobby...
      Have a fabulous day!
