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Friday, December 9, 2011


Okay, so I haven't written and mailed our Christmas cards, decorated the tree or the house or finished any of the projects I have started.  I did make the Christmas wreath, although looking at the pictures it looks like it needs more "stuff" at the top.  I did hang a Christmas thing on the front door.  Come to think of it, I believe it needs a little something added too. And I need to take it down and wash the front door.  I need to clean the house too.  The 13 big plastic tote boxes of Christmas decor are still stacked in the hall.  My husband just said we need to get these out of here.  "We will", I said.  SO!  I had better get busy.  I have a lot to do today!!!


  1. Your post had me cracking up! Thought i was the only one who has so much to do and hasn't , yet. Found you from Debbie do's linky party, I am your newest follower :0)

    1. Hi, Kristi! Well, I got all of that stuff done and didn't blog again until two days ago! I am so sorry if I didn't respond by email to your great comment. I see I didn't respond from here. Hopefully, it's like thank you cards...within a year and all is forgiven. I am going to find and follow your blog if I haven't already. Thank you so much for following mine. Well, there actually wasn't anything to follow, but there will be now! Have a great big fabulous day! I have to go to Wal-Mart now....

  2. This was too funny! I have liked your page on Facebook; and I am now following your blog! I'd love to have you follow mine, too! Happy Holidays!!

  3. Me too I have the cards but I need to get them addressed and mailed out !!! Yikes time flies by too fast these days

    - KAT -

  4. A Happy New Year to you, and thank you for your kind comments on my Facebook page - Shabby Polka dots.
    I also have a blog called 'Clover Cottage', and you are welcome at any time. It would be great to see you.

    Sharon XX

  5. You have so nice blog , I love Shabby very much . Would you love to follow each other ? :)
